Designmuseo, Auditorio, Korkeavuorenkatu 23, Helsinki
13.30 Presenting the projects behind this seminar
– Design driven value chains in the world of cellulose (DWoC), Research Professor Ali Harlin, VTT
– Novel structural materials with multi-scale fibre components (NoMa), Research manager Katariina Torvinen, VTT
14.00 An investigation on the design driven approach to cellulose materials development, Ph.D. Carlos Peralta, Aalto University
14.20 Creation of a business ecosystem around new cellulose materials, Ph.D. Greg O’Shea, Aalto University
14.40 Coffee
15.10 ‘New Biomateriality Lab’ installation in Enter & Encounter – Background, targets and setup, Designer in Residence Pirjo Kääriäinen, Aalto University
15.30 Visiting together the exhibition to explore the cellulosic demo materials (same building, free entrance for seminar participants)
If you are interested, please confirm your participation to (kirsi.kataja@vtt.fi) latest 6.6.2017. Welcome!
- DWoC Project by Ali Harlin.pdf
- NoMa Project by Katariina Torvinen.pdf
- An investigation on design driven material research by Carlos Peralta.pdf
- Creation of a business ecosystem around new cellulose materials by Greg OShea.pdf
- New Bio Materiality Lab by Pirjo Kääriäinen.pdf